Microencapsulated technological solutions

Capselos, microencapsulation services

CAPSELOS is a Spanish company created to develop microencapsulated solutions at industrial level.

Our facilities and headquarters are located in Barbastro, Huesca, in one Spain’s most developed regions in the agri-food sector.
We have the know-how of a technical team with extensive experience in the development of formulation processes and the microencapsulation of products for various applications.


Quality is one of our biggest priorities (Food Quality and Safety Policy). For this reason, we have obtained FAMI-QS certification for products for animal nutrition (microencapsulated premixes and complementary feeds) and we are registered as RGSEAA manufacturers for food supplements for functional food.



In addition to having our own catalogue, an important line of our work is co-creating tailor-made projects and products with our customers for specific applications. This work is carried out with the necessary confidentiality between the parties.


The knowledge in our microencapsulant matrices is based on our experience of developing international cooperation projects such as IBEROEKA IBK 07-519 “MICROCAPSE” and EUREKA E! 4635 “NEARCAPS” .

Discover our portfolio of CAPSELOS microencapsulates


To become a technological benchmark in the microencapsulation of active ingredients in different sectors on a global scale, focusing on quality, innovation and sustainability in our daily work.



To create high quality and sustainable technological microencapsulates, adapted to the needs of each customer in different sectors, to optimise the efficiency of their products and improve their production results.



At CAPSELOS we have RGSEAA registration as manufacturers for food supplements for functional food (Nº 26.017597/HU). Besides, we have obtained FAMI-QS certification for products for animal nutrition (microencapsulated premixes and complementary feed) and SILUM registration (αESP22048011) as manufacturers and marketers of Premixes and Compound Feed.
In addition, we have registered the organisation’s carbon footprint (Scope 1+2) in the Registry of carbon footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of Spain (MITECO), establishing annual emission reduction goals with a quarterly monitoring plan.


Contact us

Write to us and get in touch via this form.
You can also visit us at:

Polígono Industrial “Valle del Cinca”,
Calle C, parcela 41.03
(Huesca) SPAIN
Phone: +34 974 269 909
Email:  info@capselos.com

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