Prilling Capselos
Microencapsulation Technology
There are different microencapsulation techniques such as atomisation, spray cooling, spray chilling and fluidised bed, among others.
Our specific Prilling Capselos technology offers a series of specific protection advantages that are very useful for different sectors.
What is Prilling Capselos?

The specific Prilling Capselos microencapsulation technology is based on manufacturing highly homogeneous microcapsules (from 400 µm to 1200 µm) using electrohydrodynamic technology. It can develop microencapsulation processes from laboratory level (from 0.1 to 150kg) up to industrial level (tons/day).
Advantages of Prilling Capselos
Controlled release of substances in target areas
Conversion of liquid products into solid particles for improved handling
Separation of compounds that can react with each other
Protection of substances against environmental effects (oxidation, heat, water, sunlight and other agents)
Reduction in volatility of ingredients
Improved palatability and taste-masking
Microencapsulated ingredients, additives
and active compounds

We are specialists in microencapsulating a wide range of components.

Flavourings and essential oils

(organic acids)

Medium-chain fatty acids
(in glyceride and/or free form)

Vitamins and amino acids

Other active components
What do you need?
Animal nutrition

Functional food

Other applications